End of macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey Support
We will be removing formal support for macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey soon. Any users continuing to use these operating systems may see issues with versions of Focus released after this.
Apple Silicon Support
Focus now has native support for Apple silicon, thus offering better performance and reliability on devices equipped with any of the Apple silicon chips.
XY Data Collection and Display
Users can now collect and display custom XY data in Focus. The new XY grids can work in three different modes.
- Data Collection, used to collect the XY data by entering numerical values into the relevant label groups.
- Display (Dynamic), used to display XY data for tags selected on the timeline.
- Display (Static), used to display XY data for specified tag types, regardless of timeline selection.
Batch Rename in Tag Templates
The Batch Rename functionality allows users to easily rename multiple tag template buttons based on presets defined in a CSV file.
Filtering Tag Template Outputs
Tag template outputs can now obey the timeline filters. This functionality also works for XY data display grids in the Static Display mode.
Presentations Improvements
Improved Pitch Perspective
The accuracy and stability of the (football) Pitch Perspective has been greatly improved. These improvements enhance the quality and accuracy of annotations.
Annotations Updates
- NEW flash effect transition on annotations
- Annotations can now be rotated
- Smoother appearance of annotations
NEW Player Tracking (Desktop only)
Players can now be automatically tracked when a clip is added to a Presentation. Attach annotations instantly to Player Tracks.
Ability to Pause Playback when Annotations Appear
Toggle this new setting ON to pause the playback when an annotation appears on the video. The video will remain paused until PLAY is pressed.
Other Improvements
Enhanced Hub Upload Workflow
- More informative Progress bar in the Hub Transfer Manager
- Hub Transfer Manager is now shown automatically when uploading a Presentation
- A notification now appears when uploads to the Hub complete
- Focus will now display a warning if the user attempts to quit the software whilst a Hub upload of a session is still in progress
Better Application Performance
- Time required to launch the application has been reduced by ~42%
- Time required to open a session containing 7500 tags has been reduced by ~50%
- Time required to select 7500 tags via click + drag on the timeline has been reduced by ~98%
- Time required to select 7500 tags via SHIFT + click in the List View has been reduced by ~99%
- Time required to transcode a 2-hour 1080p video at 25 frames per second has been reduced by 43%
- Tags in pending Presentations may be trimmed while a background task is queued for them (but not currently running)
- Row View can now be displayed with the data on the left. This view is useful for Presentations with lots of Rows
- Video debug logging is now enabled automatically when Focus detects video playback issues
- Improved HTTP (web streamed) video playback buffering
- Updated the Synergy import workflow to handle the new file naming convention
- Improved support for importing Sportscode packages to keep video and tags automatically synchronised
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Improved warning message when uploading presentation to the Hub
- Fixed: Mov files with PCM audio channels can now be uploaded to the Hub
- Fixed: Content can now be uploaded if Focus is launched offline and comes online
- Fixed: In certain cases, Hub uploads could get stuck at the tag publishing phase
- Fixed: Hub login issues when internet connection was lost
- Fixed: It is now possible to copy clips from a local presentation to a Hub presentation
- Fixed: Crash when generating thumbnails for some Hub uploads
- Fixed: Issue where Hub playlists and sessions may not be up-to-date when coming back online after being offline
- Fixed: Relinking Presentation clips to Focus packages
- Fixed: Missing diagnostic log when uploading session to the Hub
- Fixed: Crash when uploading large (several gigabyte) presentations to the Hub
- Fixed: In some cases, non-transcoded Hub uploads could result in corrupted video
- Fixed a hang when selecting many tags across multiple sessions in the List View
- Fixed: Navigating the list view using the keyboard wouldn't work correctly
- Fixed: Crash that could occur when adding a label to a tag with no tag templates installed
- Fixed: Crash that could occur when stopping local cache recording
- Fixed: Rotated Tag Template items can now be moved close to canvas edge
- Fixed: Unstable capture of live audio
- Fixed: Bad playback of channels containing 3+ sequenced clips
- Fixed: Video exports of less popular formats. Now, session media will always be transcoded as .mp4
- Fixed: Notes field in the Tag Properties panel would not populate until tag was explicitly selected
- Fixed: Jumpy playback when using custom playback speeds with channels containing sequenced clips
- Fixed: After successfully exporting a Hub session as a package, an incorrect error message would sometimes appear
- Fixed: Crash that could occur when closing Focus when also stopping a live session
- Fixed: Cloud license account could become locked under certain circumstances
- Fixed: Video dimensions could be momentarily incorrect when switching sessions
- Fixed: Crash related to Hub connection
- Fixed: Crash relating to legacy compatibility that could occur in Tag Templates
- Fixed: Deadlock that could happen when playing mpeg2 video on Windows
- Fixed: Issue where not all Tag Templates would load on start up
- Fixed: Hotkey handling for placing multiple polygon annotations
- Fixed: Newly created tags in presentations will now respect the default pitch type
- Fixed: Some presentation packages were showing worse playback than their equivalent reference presentation
- Fixed: Do not add unselected channels to tags when uploading a session package to Hub
- Fixed: Deleting of keyframes for player link and polygon
- Fixed: Annotations' appearance during the transition between tags with different types
- Fixed: Presentation angle change wouldn't persist unless the application restarted
- Fixed: Deleting of keyframes for player link and polygon
October 2024