Focus gives users the ability to share Presentations in real time for efficient and impactful analysis when communicating coaching points to athletes or coaches. This feature is useful in a Live capture scenario where multiple users can access and work on a presentation simultaneously.
A walkthrough video for this process:
To create a presentation in Focus Client please see the Presentations article.
How to Share a Live Presentation
- To share the presentation in real time, make sure you have all the devices (laptops/iPads) that want to access the presentation connected to the device running Focus Server. See Downloading and Connecting an iPad to a Focus Server for tips on how to do this.
- Ensure that the device running Focus Client which created the presentation has the Sharing On option toggled to the on position at the top of your presentation window..
- Other remote devices can access the shared presentation by directly clicking Presentations from the home page in Focus Client and follow instructions outlined below.
- On the remote Focus Client machine simply click Open Presentation and select the presentation being shared.
Tip: The shared presentation will have a tick on the checkbox under the shared column. Other useful ways to identify shared presentations would be to double check the name and the date/time it was created or modified.
To check connection and best practices on network examples please see Focus Live Capture.