1. Activate Your Account
You will receive an email with a link to the SBGSportsSoftware.com website. You have 24 hours to activate your account using the temporary password provided.
Step by Step instructions on activating your account and creating additional users.
2. Install Focus (Mac)
Downloading Installers
- Log in to SBG Cloud and download the latest installers from the Home screen at https://sbgsoftware.com/login.
- From Mac Installer choose Download DMG files for Focus and Focus Server.
- Proceed with the installations:
Installing Focus Server
- Go to Downloads and open the Focus Server.dmg file.
- Then run the FocusServerInstaller.pkg.
Choose Continue through the first couple of windows. - Then Agree to license agreement and choose Install and enter your credentials if prompted.
Installing Focus Client
- To install client, go to Downloads and open the Focus.dmg file.
- Then run the FocusInstaller.pkg.
- Choose Continue through the first couple of windows.
- Agree to the license agreement, and choose Install. Enter your credentials if prompted.
2. Install Focus (Windows)
Downloading Installers
- Log in to SBG Cloud and download the latest installers from the Home screen at https://sbgsoftware.com/login.
- From Windows Installer choose Download EXE files for Focus and Focus Server.
- Proceed with the installations:
Installing Focus Server
- To install the server, go to Downloads and double click on the Focus Server.exe file.
- Choose More info and Run anyway, then select Yes to agree to the application making changes to your device.
- Choose Next, then accept the agreement, and choose Next through the windows that follow.
- Choose Finish when it is complete.
Installing Focus Client
- To install client, go to Downloads and double click on the Focus.exe file.
- Choose More info and Run anyway, then select Yes to agree to the application making changes to your device.
- Choose Next, then accept the agreement, and choose Next through the windows that follow.
- Then choose Finish.
3. License a Machine
Once the machine is installed, you just need to license it. This article will walk you through How To License or Revoke a License on a Machine
4. Get Familiar with a Focus Client and Server
The below video walkthroughs will help you to get familiar with the Focus Client and Focus Server:
5. Next Steps
The following articles will take you through the next steps depending on your particular scenario:
I need to do a Live Capture...
- Focus Workflow: Live Capture Using a Single Laptop
- Focus Workflow: Live Capture Using Multiple Devices
I need to work with a Pre-Recorded Video...
I'm switching over from another Product...
- Focus Workflow: Switching over from Sportscode to Focus
- Focus Workflow: Switching over from Nacsport to Focus
6. Additional Resources: Ready-Made Tag Templates
Use the below article to guide you on how to use the tag template example files.