Opening the Matrix
To open the Matrix, when inside a Session, use the default hotkey OPTION/ALT + M.
Or, go to Views > Matrix.
You can also access the Matrix from the Focus Home Menu.
Filtering the Matrix
You can filter the Matrix view by clicking the filter menu.
Then, selecting your relevant tags and/or labels, will filter what is displayed in the Matrix.
Multi-Session Matrix
If you are working with Multiple Sessions in the Matrix, you can click the Folder Menu to adjust the Multi-Session Setup.
Use the Session Loader to Add or Remove Sessions.
Use the Session Selector to select which Sessions are displayed in the Matrix.
Export Matrix CSV via Export > Export Matrix CSV.
This option is also available from the Session UI.
Selecting Tags from the Matrix
Selecting a data point in the matrix will list the clips on the right hand side and highlight them in the timeline.
You can then use hotkeys, or right click, to add your clips to a Presentation or Collection.
Or, double click the Tags in the right hand list to view them in the video window.