Viewing Sessions
Hub Sessions can be viewed by clicking on the Sessions icon in the left hand menu.
Once open all sessions that have been shared with you will appear in the main screen.
You can switch from a List View to a Table View in the top right hand corner.
Sessions can also be sorted by:
- Modified Date
- Creation Date
- Item Date
The Filter option will open up the Filters menu on the left hand side of the screen where you can filter based on label information.
Within each Session a Description will include the label types applied to that session.
Viewing Tags
When a Session is opened you will see the video players with timeline. To view tags you must select the arrow located midway down the left hand side of the screen.
All Tags
Clicking into a session you will be able to see all tags created in that session.
Clicking on a specific tag the video will jump to that point in the timeline. The selected tag will be highlighted in green.
To enter the tags properties click on the arrow to the right of it.
Depending on permissions, you will be able to edit Tag Name, Tag Duration, Tag Colour and Default Notes. You will be able to see labels attached to the tag.
Users with Commenter permissions and above will be able to write and send a comment on a tag.
To navigate back to All Tags select the back arrow next to the Tag Name.
My Tags
My Tags will show any tags that you have created.
Within the Session Tab users with Editor/Owner/Admin permissions are able to change Labels or write Comments on a session.
Session Controls
You can interact with controls at the bottom left.
From left to right, you have the ability to:
Filter Based on Tags, Labels, Users and Sources. The Search bar will filter across all fields. |
Show Notes Notes will appear below the Tag Name. |
Delete Tag Only users with Editor/Admin permissions will have this function enabled. |
Create Tag Only users with Editor/Admin permissions will have this function enabled. You will be presented with a Create Tag pop out window which will create a clip at the point you are in the Timeline. |
Clip will adopt default properties which can be set in Settings > Tagging
Add Selected to Collection/Presentation You will be given the option to add selected tag to a new Collection or Presentation. |
Video Timeline Controls
You can interact with the following video controls beneath the timeline.
Go to Previous / Next Clip |
Jump Backwards / Forwards 5 Seconds |
Play / Pause Normal Speed |
Play 1/4 Speed |
Clicking on the time signature, you can toggle through to show the following:
- Time relative to the beginning of the video footage
- Time relative to Timing Tags (displayed in green on the timeline)
- Time of day
Clicking on the Camera icon, you can toggle between channels.
You can also show video full screen
Creating Quick Tag
On top of the video users with Editor/Admin permissions have the option to Create Quick Tag.
Upon selection a Tag with the Default properties (Tag Name, Note, Pre/Post Roll Time and Colour) will be added to All Tags and My Tags.