Downloading Video from the Hub
This will allow the video to live locally on the machine so you can view the Hub content offline. There are multiple ways to download an item to the local machine.
- Launch the Hub and navigate to the item that you wish to download.
- Once you find it, choose the Cloud icon to download it locally.
- Alternatively, you can choose the More options icon on the right hand side of the item
, and choose Download.
- Alternatively, you can choose the More options icon on the right hand side of the item
- Once the item is fully downloaded, it will display a green check mark.
- If the download is interrupted and doesn't complete, it will display an orange check mark.
To resume downloading, click on the orange mark. Once the download is fully completed it will display the green check.
Downloading video allows you to view the content inside the Hub, without needing to be connected to the internet.